Step Into The Well...
At Tending the Wells, we work together to remember our innate wholeness.
The activation of our memory through somatic healing modalities
allows us to restore our connection within the flow of life.
We dip into the well to feel and process our emotions, honor our grief,
and connect to parts of ourselves we have may have lost
through personal, collective, and intergenerational trauma.
At the well, we remember that all life is sacred
and this creates ripples of healing for those
who have remained unseen, voiceless, and forgotten.
At Tending the Wells, we work together to remember our innate wholeness.
The activation of our memory through somatic healing modalities
allows us to restore our connection within the flow of life.
We dip into the well to feel and process our emotions, honor our grief,
and connect to parts of ourselves we have may have lost
through personal, collective, and intergenerational trauma.
At the well, we remember that all life is sacred
and this creates ripples of healing for those
who have remained unseen, voiceless, and forgotten.